Askew Rehabilitation Services

Vocational evaluation is a process in which a vocationally trained expert meets with an individual to gather information in order to evaluate that persons vocational potential. A Vocational Evaluator will make recommendations about employability, retraining eligibility, and earning capacity.

Our Qualified Rehabilitation Counselors (QRCs) provide services for the injured worker including rehabilitation plan development and case management, medical management, vocational evaluation and testing, vocational counseling, and return to work services. We actively pursue skill enhancement and retraining plans.

Job Development/
Job Placement Services
Our Placement Specialists provide a variety of services including job placement, job development, job seeking skills training, and resume development. Our primary Placement Specialist has an MS in Vocational Rehabilitation and 25+ years of experience with the labor market.

At Askew Rehabilitation Services, we provide a full range of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to persons with functional or cognitive impairments, industrial or personal injuries. It is our goal at ARS to help each and every client with which we come into contact. Our services help overcome barriers to accessing, maintaining or returning to employment or other useful occupation, regardless of the difficulty of our client's circumstances.
We also have a Spanish speaking QRC and have well developed rapport with other interpretation services. Our consultants are all culturally sensitive and respect the rights of all parties.
We are an independent firm with no affiliations. Our staff of QRCs, placement specialists and evaluators work with Minnesota Worker's Compensation cases, as well as provide vocational evaluations and expert witness testimony. We welcome all inquires and can address all aspects of your client's vocational rehabilitation needs.
"Thank you so much for what you do...if people like us didn't have people like you to help us in our battle against ... unfair treatment, most of us would just roll over and give in. I can't even put my appreciation into words because it is so vast. Whether we win or lose, I want you to know that I/we think you did a great job on the report.
--C.H., former client
Our Office
For more information or to refer an injured worker to our firm, please send us an email at info@askewrehab.com